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Saturday, May 11, 2013

The current kidnappings

How to you guys feel about the recovery of the three missing women? Wasn't it horrifying that they were there for almost a decade? Let me hear your thoughts!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Apple is about to hit 50,000,000,000 downloads on the app store! How do you feel? You think you have a chance against millions of other apple users? Haha comment your thoughts :)

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Minecraft or Roblox?

I want to hear this from all the 30,000,000 registered online minecraft and gaming communities worldwide, which one is better to use for the new average user? Roblox or Minecraft? Comment away I want to see your opinions! :)

Gun Control

Just recently found out about a child shooting, A 5 year old accidentally killed his sister?! What is this world coming too? How come they have access to weapons? Why? Is there any possible solutions?...
So what is this business on North Korea? What do you think the outcome will be?!